Static Nextjs Netlify 500 Errors Instead of 404 Errors
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Static Nextjs Netlify 500 Errors Instead of 404 Errors

I recently switched my site from Gatsby to Next while still deploying to Netlify. For the most part, it went very well. I’ll write some more soon about the transition and some of the challenges that arose.

The Problem

Today I’m going to cover an issue that I ran into after deploying my site to Netlify. The problem is that if someone were to go to a blog post that didn’t exist, like, they would receive a 500 error message. Since it’s a 500 from the server, the client doesn’t spin up and I can’t see which page was trying to be accessed.

This had me searching all over for the root cause since it all worked locally and I would expect that it would just throw a 404 error like other missing pages. Finally, after searching for quite some time, I came across a GitHub issue that resembled my problem. Sure enough, hu0p had a workaround that worked for me as well.

The factors that lead to this issue are:

  • Hosted on Netlify
  • Running the Essential Next.js plugin (the culprit)
  • Static site build of Nextjs
  • Have some dynamic routes like pages/blog/[id].tsx
  • Hit a route that doesn’t exist on that dynamic route

The Solution

By wrapping the data fetching with a try/catch, we are able to return notFound: true which will trigger the 404 page. I wasn’t aware that notFound was a return value until I saw this workaround.

Instead of:

export async function getStaticProps({ params }) {
const postData = await getPostData(;
return {
props: {

We use try/catch:

export async function getStaticProps({ params }) {
let postData;
try {
postData = await getPostData(;
} catch (e) {
return {
notFound: true,
return {
props: {
